Ph.D. thesis

At April 23, 2013, I obtained my Ph.D. on my thesis entitled ‘Pediatric exercise testing. In health and disease’ at Utrecht University. The research described in my thesis was conducted at the Child Development & Exercise Center of the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, part of the University Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht.

In the first part of this thesis, three studies are presented in which the validity of the oxygen uptake efficiency slope has been investigated in healthy children, in children with congenital heart disease, and in children with cystic fibrosis.

The second part of this thesis presents three studies that addressed the applicability of the steep ramp test as a non-sophisticated pediatric exercise test that provides information about a child’s aerobic exercise capacity, without the use of respiratory gas analysis measurements.

Prof.dr. P.J.M. Helders Emeritus professor of pediatric physical therapy, Child Development & Exercise Center, UMC Utrecht

Dr. T. Takken Medical physiologist, Child Development & Exercise Center, UMC Utrecht
Dr. S.I. de Vries Professor “Healthy Lifestyle” at The Hague University of Applied Sciences

ThesisPediatric exercise testing. In health and disease

ISBN 978 90 5291 111 3
Publisher: Universitaire Pers Maastricht, Maastricht, the Netherlands
Cover design and lay-out: Datawyse, Maastricht, the Netherlands

You can order this Ph.D. thesis (182 pages) for 10 Euro by sending an e-mail to: