
Welcome to my personal website! My name is Bart Bongers and I am a medical physiologist / clinical exercise physiologist.

I work as assistant professor at the department of Nutrition and Movement Sciences and at the department of Surgery – NUTRIM, Institute for Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism – at Maastricht University. My research involves optimizing and professionalizing the perioperative process for patients undergoing elective major abdominal surgery: 1) adequate preoperative risk screening, 2) preoperative exercise training for high-risk patients, 3) fast-track mobilization postoperatively, 4) creating the culture and infrastructure to physically activate patients during their hospital stay, and 5) the use of clinimetrics and functional discharge criteria.

Moreover, I am involved in research within the field of clinical pediatric exercise testing and I provide education at ExerScience in exercise and training physiology.

Pediatric norm values for cardiopulmonary exercise testing

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As of November 2014, the second edition of ‘Pediatric norms for cardiopulmonary exercise testing. In relation to sex and age’ is available.
Authors: Bart C. Bongers, Marco van Brussel, Erik H.J. Hulzebos, Tim Takken.

This resource provides a rationale for exercise testing in children and adolescents. Norm values for boys and girls ranging from 8 to 18 years of age for exercise testing using a cycle ergometer are provided for the ‘cardiopulmonary exercise test’ and the ‘steep ramp test’. Norm values are depicted in simple, operational graphs for boys and girls separately, which can be consulted for a quick as well as an extensive interpretation of the exercise test. Together with background information for each variable, this resource is an excellent reference for those involved in pediatric exercise testing, including (clinical) exercise physiologists, physical therapists, (pediatric) cardiologists and pulmonologists, pediatricians, sport physicians, and lung function analysts.

Pediatric noms for cardiopulmonary exercise testing In relation to sex and age
ISBN 978 90 8891 998 5
Publisher: BOXpress, ’s Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands

Cover design: BOXpress
Lay-out: Bart C. Bongers